Category Archives: Life

Observing Hamadryas baboons.

Observing a family of Hamadryas baboons .

Lessons learned:

№1. Hamadryas baboons don’t “yawn”- this is a physical display of aggression to intruders and enemies.(Another one- lowering of the eyelids)

№2. I was amazed at the male baboons, especially their relationship with their young ones. Though strict in conduct with females, baboon dads will take enjoy playing with their kids, and take the daddy duty of protecting their children extremely serious.

Which leads me to lesson № 3:

3. Although you always should step on to a wild animal’s territory with caution, be a thousand times as careful when conducting yourself around baboon families with children. DO NOT APPROACH. Otherwise, this will happen:

Tied with lesson №3. , is lesson number 4: for a relatively large primate, baboons can charge with impressive speed. (View video above for evidence and a demonstration).

Lesson № 5.Getting charged by a baboon is a lesson you never forget.

Credits : The former lessons were  taught e by this enchanting creature:

1011901_10151511058038325_1119472997_n Hamadryas family  alpha male .